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BLESSINGS Surrounding US

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always counted my blessings. Just as in the hymn "count your many blessings"

My dad will sing that song loud and proud.

What a beautiful example from my parents, church family and others in my life. To continue to endure and see blessings in all circumstances.

I believe in finding the joy and counting your blessings in all circumstances. Not just in trouble times, but in good times. It's the same as going to our Heavenly Father in prayer. Wanting a certain question answered. Or a miracle to happen. Sometimes wanting a way to get out of situation . Yet, how often do we just pray and give thanks ? In all the good times?

It's normal and okay to feel emotions and you can't be happy all the time. You're fine in wanting desires and wishes. Just remember each of us are beautiful blessings with beautiful PROMISES. As well as wonderful passions, talents, and so much more.

Count your daily blessings, as much as you can. I'm blessed for each of you.

Keep shining ✨️ Be inspired

~Jackie Inspires ~

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©2022 by Tarl & Jackie Telford

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