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Creative Tuesday: Echoes of My Journey

Hello Beautiful Souls~ 🌟

This morning, as the first rays of dawn reached through my window, a song whispered to my heart, a hymn of beginnings and gratitude. The words "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" filled the quiet space, a gentle reminder that faith is the melody that plays beneath the surface of our days.

Today marks not just another Creative Tuesday; it is the day I step into a new chapter of life. On January 2, 2024, I embraced a new year and a new me. It's a time for cleansing—both body and spirit—and for clearing away the old to make space for new growth.

I am not the labels that has tried to define me. I am not just a list of past mistakes and sins. I am a creation in progress, my spirit a canvas of experiences, painted with strokes of resilience, empathy, and understanding. Today, I am an empath, a storyteller, and a believer in the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.

This Creative Tuesday, I commit to the now—to my path, my self-love, my worth. I am Jackie Inspires, a name that is not just an identity but a calling. It is a testament to my journey, my learning, my striving for perfection, and my pursuit of authenticity.

Despite battles with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and the myriad labels since birth, I stand in my truth. I am learning to view myself through the eyes of my Heavenly Parents and my Savior, for it is through their perspective that I find my worth.

Questions to Ponder for yourself :

  1. What songs of faith resonate with you and guide your journey?

  2. How do you paint the story of your life with the palette of your experiences?

  3. In what ways do you embrace creativity as an expression of your inner self?

Keep Shining 🌟 Be Inspired 🌟

~Jackie Inspires~

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©2022 by Tarl & Jackie Telford

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