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Happy November 💜 Grateful

Hey all you beautiful souls 💜 Happy November. Tarl & I are so blessed for those that have supported us so far in opening up our little Novelty Book shop and Gift shop 💜

Been opened about 5 months. Still more to come and work in progress 🙌

We really are blessed to have the tools & talents to create uplifting and inspiring work. Tarl is working on his books and other projects after work and the weekend. I am finishing my 5 classes this semester and registered for Spring semester. Between that I am working on more art and items for our Shop.

I have truly found its very hard to get recognized or support for yourself. I try to do best I can and I have always had the heart to support others in however they need. My husband Tarl reminds me that I am important. To not devalue my work, art, and all my passions. That I have an incredible light & story to share.

I don't believe in " fame" I look to each of us as All brothers and sisters from God. I believe we all shine in our moments ✨️ I wish myself and others will strongly see that we are just as important too. I believe we can. Takes courage and self care and lots of practice.

If you're anything like me and endured much bullying, abuse, hurt etc takes longer to heal and recognize our true worth. It's possible. Surrounding yourself with those that lift you up and inspire and truly there in all circumstances is what you should focus on. Be proud of how far you come. Grateful for who you are and the true light you bring Especially in all you create, become, and treat others. ✨️

I hope we all can be grateful in all circumstances and each day and not just for November. To support each other in dreams, passions and goals. Uplifting and inspiring others. I truly love inspiring and supporting others. No matter who they are.

I look to the souls and I'm a big observer. I try and not leave anyone out. We all shine and are gifted. Yes, you'll meet some that care more of fame, money, likes, attention etc. I believe they are missing something in life. Since I don't know what they are missing, I don't judge. Just wish them well and use my time and service in other places. Especially when I get down and compare.

I'm grateful for every subscriber, reader, or sale. I know we're still new but still I'm grateful.

Grateful for you. All those that read and support. Grateful for this journey with my husband. So blessed in every circumstance we have. Truly appreciate everything 🙏

Come check out the changes and let's grow together. You're loved and important.

Please subscribe and share . Helps get the word out 💜

Keep shining ✨️ Be inspired ✨️

~Jackie Inspires ~

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©2022 by Tarl & Jackie Telford

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