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Our Life Update 💜

Hello Beautiful Souls 😍

I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Tarl and I had a wonderful time together. It's just the two of us . He's the oldest of 9 and I'm in between of 11 or 12 🤣 . There's 13 of us.

All our siblings and extended family and parents are scattered out . We're just in a beautiful small town in Texas . In our home we bought last year . Been married little over 2 years and enjoying the journey. Who knew after so much heartbreak, dreams, wishes and prayers that we could find love again especially among covid where we were shut down healing from our divorces and alone. I in Ohio and he in Texas.

We firmly believe that God played a huge role at that time. We're deeply grateful and enjoying this wonderful journey. Tarl is 46 and working fulltime as a technical writer. Then he enjoys time with me and working on the creative projects he's doing. Right now he's working on his first graphic novel.

You can see more of his creative works and books here

I am still in Fall semester and 3 weeks from finals. These are the rough weeks. Especially when I'm having inflammatory arthritis and Oestoarthritis flare ups along with playing with insulin levels for my type 2 diabetes. I still see several of my specialists and working together to fix me up.

Being 39 I'm so stoked for my 40th Birthday. You can read more of my 40things before my 40th birthday. One of them to get my Family Science degree and be a Family life educator.

We're enjoying our time and see the blessings in all circumstances. Hard being away from family especially when you had your twin and 2 little nephews here for 8 months since last November. But they are in their own little chapter of a new journey.

Between time we try to keep up with the store and social media accounts. Know it's still a work in progress but all is well. We appreciate all the support. You can follow for more on our linktrees in the contact page of the website. Or here 😀

I got tons of school to do. But I wanted to share an update. Just know you're enough. You're appreciated. Blessings are all around . Know that all things happen for a reason. There's much heartache in life but also there's so much joy and purpose.

May you know that answers will come in time. Your deepest desires will be answered. Be patient. Keep the hope. You're not alone or forgotten.

Oh, btw you truly matter. What you're doing with your life is great . I wish you all the best and we're here for you. Please show yourself more love and care. Keep those around you close. Make amends to those that hurt you.

You're enough. Keep shining ✨️ Be inspired ✨️

Talk soon 💜

Jackie inspires and Tarl Creates

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©2022 by Tarl & Jackie Telford

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