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My Soul Perspective

My newest wood art I'm working on. I have many talents and passions. I love to work in various things. Being an INFJ and a multitasker helps me.

I find my passions help me better understand myself. I have and continue to see many specialists and have upcoming appointments. My physical health is shot, but my emotional and spiritual journey is growing.

I am still blessed and grateful in all circumstances for my mind, body, and soul. We all have our own trials, and sometimes it can be unbearable, but know that YOU'RE NOT ALONE. There are angels in many forms here and behind the viel.

God puts so many people in your path for different reasons, and some of the reasons is to not only grow yourself, but bring strength, comfort, inspiration, sunshine and motivation to others that need to see it, hear it, or know about it.

How does this happen? By telling your story each day. Each moment . Through your passions, talents, skills, strengths, and more. I use language and the arts . Through my words, actions, and testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. He has and always will hold my hand through it all. I love our Savior Jesus Christ. He lives.

Just as I hold my hand and heart with my amazing, amazing, and loving husband, Tarl . He does the same for me. And we work together. I am here. I am enough. I am blessed in all circumstances. I love bringing inspiration and joy, laughter, music, art, writing, photography, and all other things into the world. PLEASE KNOW YOU'RE ENOUGH. YOU'RE AMAZING. WORK ON YOUR OWN TALENTS .

Follow me on for more inspiration or on here.

Keep shining ✨️ Be inspired ✨️

~Jackie Inspires ~

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©2022 by Tarl & Jackie Telford

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