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A Spiritual Message 💜

Hello beautiful souls 💜 Thought I'd share a spiritual thought of mine that I had in the past and still resonates with me .

As I was noticing the beauty this morning, I started thinking alot of the atonement.

It's like trees,, we as humans have challenges and each season of challenges we shed the outer part and bring the inner beauty outward.

Leaves and branches fall off trees and later, new season they blossom again. Renewed. Refreshed.

I think of this as the Savior's Atonement. I, personally have broken my own personal "limbs" , healed my "trunk" which is the heart and shed my leaves and branches. The Savior is always there. He knows each one of us. He has suffered the pain, emotions, challenges and more. I'm grateful through my covenants I can continue to be renewed, cleansed, healed, and know that in all changes, I am a beautiful daughter of God. Just as each of us is Beautiful and special sons and daughters of God.

May we all try to respect each other and our beliefs, opinions, ideas and most of all a beautiful person with so much to offer. We don't have to agree or disagree on everything, but we're all in this together, it's called Life. 😉 So why not enjoy it while you can and learn and grow . Just a thought.

Keep shining ✨️ Be inspired ✨️

~Jackie Inspires ~

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